Core Event Team & Partners

  • Dayton Bujinkan Dojo

    The Dayton Bujinkan is the host and primary sponsor of the event. It has hosted more than 160 events since 1997.

  • Fairfield Bujinkan Dojo

    Based near Columbus, Ohio and led by Andy Russell and Dustin Mowery, the Fairfield Bujinkan Dojo specializes in Tactical Resources training.

  • Central Ohio Bujinkan Dojo

    Led by Tim Halbakken, COBD offers Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu in the Columbus, Ohio area.

  • Charlotte Bujinkan Dojo

    Led by Craig Olson, the Charlotte Bujinkan Dojo is based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

  • OSS International

    OSS International is a professional security services firm specializing in executive protection, private investigations, and risk assessments.

  • Sierra Training Group

    Sierra Training Group offers civilian and law enforcement tactical and firearms training.

  • Dojo Art

    Led by Steve Olsen in Japan, Dojo Art offers high-quality Bujinkan art books and prints representing Masaaki Hatsumi Soke’s calligraphy and artistic inspirations.

  • Knack Video & Photos

    Knack Video + Photo is a woman-owned, full-service photo and video production company based in southwestern Ohio.

Questions? Contact Us.

Dayton Bujinkan Dojo
3180 Kettering Blvd
Moraine, OH 45439 USA




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